
Chronic Intractable Migraines


Chronic intractable migraine, also referred to as status migraine or status migrainosus, is a severe migraine that has continued for greater than 72 hours and has been refractory to usual therapies for migraine. When a patient experiences an intractable migraine, additional treatment is often necessary to break the cycle.

Symptoms of a chronic migraine occur at least 15 days in each month and for at least three consecutive months. A chronic migraine must also involve two of the following migraine characteristics for a minimum of eight days in a month:

  • Causes moderate to severe pain.
  • Predominantly affects one side of the head.
  • Causes a throbbing, pulsating sensation in the side of the brain affected by the headache.
  • Begins or is made worse due to routine physical activity.

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